Sunday 21 August 2011

A level hell ......

Well what a day August the 19th turned out to be ......eldest son was awaiting his second year A level result and on Thursday morning we were up and away ready to get his results from his college in Manchester ......late last month he was awarded a scholarship worth £1k plus lots of support so it was so important for him to get the right results.

 Anyway long story but son got ABB  and is going to study law at Manchester Uni - so lucky was he to get the grades he wanted and get his first choice at uni too - I read in the news that 200,000 didnt.

Saturday 30 July 2011

summer holiday and summer babies .....

Summertime and the living is easy .,.......whoever said that certainly wasnt a mum of 3 boys!!

We just got back from a week at the seashore site in great yarmouth.....had a lovely (ish) week but now need a fortnights holiday to recouperate (and catch up on laundry).

My lovely friend Jax found out she was pregnant in January and we have just been told its a girl (after 3 boys im thrilled that im soon gonna get to hold a lil girl) and baby A comes in September.

Read a very odd book by Lyn chamberlain called the midwifes confession - very interesting read but no bite at the end.

Friday 4 March 2011

Karen the domestic Godess

Karen is one of my bestest friends ( I have a few -youll meet them all soon) she is v good at practical advice,she has a tidiness obsession- also lucky for me she has all the kind of things to hand that I lose or need and on this occasion boy did i need help .....eldest son had spilt curry down his new out of the packet top and it would not shift - I googled (i google everything) and it seemed the problem was 'tumeric' which is practically a dye .....middle son had also spilt some red spicy sauce on his new shirt too so after a while I realised this stain was not gonna budge so off I trotted to Karens - now I have what I think is a reasonable obsession .....the washing powder aisle,to me its heaven I love the clean fresh smells and try every fabric conditioner on the market- Karen however is a stain removal addict - stain on your carpet? shes got the remedy stain on your bath? she knows what to do (and she doesnt need to google) anyway on this occasion a dose of her latest reccomendation (ariel liquid stain remover) soon shifted the stain and the clothes are rescued.

I love Karen x

thank crunchie its friday .....

Its Friday (again) and here am I contemplating the huge pile of ironing and cleaning that needs to be done this weekend,when did weekends stop being fun? I remember weekends before children that were filled with selfish things being done to just suit nothing is done to suit me I rush around doing everything to suit everyone else,how did it so quickly change?.

Monday 28 February 2011

more about the meal.

So we all went out for a meal to celebrate Grandads 81st birthday ..........the boys (2 teens 17 and 15 ) dressed so smartly,sometimes when they are dressed up like this they look like 'real men' (and I kinda like it but dont like it if you get me? its a reminder that soon they wont 'need' me )......the meal went along as normally as it could given that in our family nothing runs smoothly .......... the bloke and littlest son went in the ladies loo by accident - the bloke confides to littlest not to tell anyone - littlest then leaves the loo and announces v loudly to me if i need the loo to go in the ones theyve just been in ......the waiter spilt half a pint of coke all over the table (*soon rectified with red wine on the house )...... the food was lush and I ate every morsel ......the eldest 2 however also fed their clothes leading me to seek help from one of my friend ....'karen the domestic godess' (more about her later).

We had such a lovely time we almost cant wait for Grandad to be 82 although this year will also see some important dates too .....eldest sons are 18 and 16 this year ...(where did these years go?).

Sunday 27 February 2011

All about us.....

Im Dee obviously and until recently I thought we lived a fairly ordinary life .......well no -illusion shattered actually it would appear people laugh yes laugh at us ......they laugh with us in a way cos its things that make us laugh but nonetheless they laugh at us.

I live a crazy sort of disfunctional life im a Mum of 3 boys and have an elderly father in law and a strangely unusual nanna to whom I think we have a 'passive aggressive relationship'.

Anyway I digress (I often do) and people keep asking me to write stuff down so ive decided to try a blog .....unfortunately due to street cred i cant use real fotos of my family but im sure if im interesting enough and get some followers I can slip a few in <wink>.

Lets get started ......buckle ya belt.

This weekend saw the birthday of my father in law so we (the bloke the kids and grandad) decided to go for a meal.....